Thursday, August 22, 2013

This Is Phat!

According to a new report from the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, the United States is no longer the world's fattest developed nation- Mexico is. according to other studies the United States is 31.8 percent obese. while Mexico is 32.8 percent obese. while japan holds the least amount of obese people with an amazing 4.5 percent.

diabetes kills an astounding 70,000 people in mexico a year. that was estimate to be around the same number of deaths due to 6 years of gangland war. so obesity is a pretty big problem. This is the link to this article.

Vocabulary #1

Vocab #1

  • Expository: The presentation of information in clear, precise form.
  • Composition: The act of product of composing literature.
  • Assuage: Make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.
  • Decadence: A luxurious self-indulgence.
  • Hackneyed: Lacking significance through having been overused.
  • Coalition: A pact or treaty among individuals or groups
  • Transcend: To rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed.
  • Meritorious: deserving reward or praise - likely to succeed on the merits of this case.
  • Lurid: very vivid, and gruesome to create an unpleasant, harsh, or unnatural affect.
  • petulant: childishly sulky or bad tempered.
That Expository power-point was very informational, and organized.

There has to be a composite author among this list of authors.

While the fight was breaking up, I felt like this assuage feeling was going through my body.

All chocolate commercials always describe there chocolates as being decadent.

The television broke after the hackneyed lifestyle it lived.

The court was still in adjourned because the jury hadn't reached a coalition among each other.

The child that had no promise in the family transcended beyond the expectations of all others.

The worker of the company was meritorious of the hard work he had been doing for the company.

The crime scene had very lurid and descriptive evidence for a murder.

The child had a very petulant reaction to not getting what they want.

My Opinion Is Not (A) Right

Socratic Notes
  • Ask questions about their opinion.
  • In order to validate your point, support it.
  • People like to believe, all they want is a reason.
  • people talk about you, not to your face.
  • Big people make little people's opinions seem small.
  • The right to life.
  • Interdependence: depend on others.
  • No one does it by themselves.
  • Limbic part of out brain and interlectual.
  • People are social mammals.
  • Limbic is emotions.
  • The reptilian part of the brain.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Reflections On Week 1

  1. The only restrictions i would have on the blog would be i dont have a smartphone that i would be able to read other peoples blogs. or see how my mobile app looks or works.
  2. living in poverty and living paycheck to paycheck and always being in debt has changed me as a person. it has made me learn that i don't want this type of life when i get older. i would like to live comfortably not always in debt. i have always lived with my mom and she has always made living somewhere possible even in the tough times i am happy that i get to live with her. This experience has made me think in completely different ways. i now know what the value of a dollar is. that i shouldn't take things for granted and that i really need to pay attention in school and try my best.
  3. somethings I am concerned about in the Expository Writing class would be am i going to be able to do this. Am i going to be able to get through this class with a good grade. I really like this class but those are somethings that i worry about in this class. I feel that If i can get through this class i will have skills and communicating skills that i didn't have in the beginning and i am really excited about that.

5 Go-To Sources For Good NonFiction

  1. Your local library. you should be able to find a good piece of nonfiction there. if you are having trouble then ask the information desk for some good recommendations.
  2. The News Paper. this is a good source cause it is factual and there will always be new things happening in the world.
  3. Google Search For Good Non-fiction. it will pop up books that are being talked about a lot.
  4. Http:// .is a good source for books that are pretty popular.
  5. Http:// . is pretty good for teens nonfiction.

A Truly Interesting Piece Of Non-Fiction

So today i was reading the newspaper and i read an article that was saying that the NYPD was adding 2 watchdogs that would watch over the police department and make sure that they aren't corrupt. The concerns about the NYPD were that they were profiling the Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims of the community and doing random stopand frisking of anybody they thought were doing wrong acts. The New York US District Judge Shira Scheindlin is the one that ruled that the stop and frisk practice was against constitutional rights. There are some cases against the NYCHA (New York City Housing Authority) because they are wrongly accused because of their race or looks. The lawsuits that were charged in 2010 are set to have their trials in october. They were issued a layer. Johanna Steinberg of the NYCHA Legal Defense Fund is the layer for the cases of the NYCHA residents and visitors that were profiled. This is why Shira Scheindlin issued the 2 watchdogs over the NYPD to watch over it and make sure that the profiling that the police officers are doing aren't continued.

I agree with this decision made by Shira Scheindlin because i feel that the police department needs to be watched a little more carefully for the reason of that there might be corruption within the police department that the chief of police may not be aware of. When i say this, i mean all of the police departments. I actually thought we were past the racial profiling that has been taking place in new york. I hope that this isnt happening in a lot more communities. If you are intersted in this story here is a link please leave a comment on how you feel about this or what you think about it.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

It's All Italian To Me

so i got an Italian phrase from my teacher. its says dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude, incipe which translates to He who has begun is half done: dare to know, dare to begin. to me, this phrase sounds like it says that you need to try. once you get started you will be close to the end. in the sense that if you started it and are focused on it  then you will accomplish it. one must try to suceed. and if you dare to begin then you dare to know. i actually like this phrase. even though my understanding of the words is probably far off the actual meaning. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What Is Expository Writing

Expository writing is a type of writing that is used to explain, describe, or inform the readers. It is used in a sense of informing the readers of the knowledge that the writer is writing about. The subject can be about anything really. as long as you learn from it and gain something from it. This is from my understanding of the definition. it may be wrong but then that is also learning in a way. So as long as you can get something out of the words that are writin. then i feel that the writing is considered expository writing whether it be right or wrong.

The Big Question

My Big Question
       Something I have always wondered would be why is it that every choice we make have to have a crucial impact on our lives whether we would know it does or not? why can't there be some way to undo it or even redo the choice to get an outcome that is beneficial to our lives. I wonder why thee hasn't been a simulator that you can input a scenario and it will tell you the outcome. well its mostly just a ramble about choices being unfair.