Friday, February 28, 2014


This is a book about a man called Equality 7-2521. This man is in a post appocolyptic time where people are living in colonies and each person are not a single individual. they have to address themselves as we because they find individuality a sin. you can be punished for being yourself and for being different. Equality is different. because of this. he is given a job that doesnt require thinking. he is assigned to be a streetsweeper. he actually wants to become a scholor for his community. he is actually really smart compared to others but because being different is bad, he has to be punished. like having to be a street sweeper. and the story goes on like this.

It is very saddening. you feel kind of sad that the world would turn out like this. also it is very cult like. making everyone do what you want all because of a religion.

"there is evil in your bones, Equality 7-2521, for your body has grown beyond the bodies of your brothers." The tone is kind of depressing that he gets treated like that. " all men are good and wise. it is only we, Equality 7-2521, we alone who were born with a curse. for we are not like our brothers." He doesnt quite belong with his community and gets treated differently. "we are one in all and all in one. there are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisable and forever." it has a very cult like feel to it.

He describes the protagonist as being six feet tall. this is direct characterization. union 5-3992 as being half brained. this is an example of direct characterization. The golden one is the name of a character. she was given this name by equality. because she has golden hair. this is a form of indirect characterzation.

She doesnt really focus to much on characters. its more of what they do or did then what they say. this book kind of has a poetic feel to it also. because all the characters speak in a manner of we instead of i. so it kind of makes me feel like i am reading shakespeare.

the character is dynamic. the whole story is about his actions. it is kind of like an autobiography. it is a book in the style of a journel. so it describes everything about him.

I came out of this book feeling like i have met someone. It kind of makes me sad to be done with this book. I would have liked for there to have been more to the story.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


people to invite to my network. These are people that i have thought to be of help to me now or in the future, i thought was interesting, or i want their opinions from.

Monday, February 24, 2014


eclosion: the act of hatching out an egg.
the eclosion the zoo keepers was top-notch.

enteric: the intestines.
he had problems with his enteric.

entrails: the organs of an animals body, usually the intestines.
the entrails were pulled out.

edema: the collection of fluid in the tissue.
he had to get his edema checked to see if it will go away by itself.

egg: the body of reproduction that is produced by the ovum.
the egg got fertilized.

elastin: a type of protein that is found in cartilage and other types of tissue.
the elastin was a little high.

erosion: loss of epithelium to the basement membrane.
the erosion was happening to quickly.

gait: the term used to describe the movement of an animal.
the gait was a really quick movement.

gallop: a fast gait of three beats, faster than a trot.
the animal galloped away.

glaucoma: a disorder that has resulted from intraocular pressure.
he got glaucoma just like his father.

ganer: the term for a male goose.
the ganer made a lot of noise.

gastric: anything having to do with the stomach.
he has been having gastric problems.

gore: to pierce the body of a living thin with horns.
the animal gore the other animal.

graft: a part of tissue or organ that is used for transplant.
they had to graft some tissue for the animal.

gee: a command for a horse that tells them to turn right.
hey yelled gee to the horse so that it would turn right.

hob: a ferret that is intact(male)
the hob runs fast.

hallucination: a false image or perception of something that is not there.
he started having hallucinations.

homeostasis: the maintenance of a constistent environment in the body.
the animals homeostasis kept it alive in the cold.

heart: the body organ that curculates blood.
the heart was healthy.

heifer: the term for a young female cow with no young.
the heifer was running across the field.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


To me, there are numerous reasons i want to become a veterinarian. From my love of animals, to me feeling it is the right thing to do.  animals are very precious to me and will always be precious to me. I hope that through my passion, i can make it a reality.

since i was at a young age i have always been close to animals. I moved around a lot so i felt more at ease with animals than with kids my own age. animals were kind of my outlet in tough times. if i ever felt in the dumps, i would just go play with our dog or cat. depending on what animals i had at the time. I personally have had a few animals. each one i cared for a lot. and i think that this was a major factor for me becoming a veterinarian.

When i grew up, i would watch quite a bit of animal planet and it would usually play the shows like animals cops and stuff like that. i would see these animals all mistreated and abused and i would just think how could someone do something like that. to me it didnt make sense. I wanted to do something about it so i decided that i would help those poor animals and become a veterinarian. so that i can help them recover and eventually become like they once were. this was one of the really big reasons why i want to become a veterianarian.

I also grew up admiring doctors and all that. saving lives sounded really cool when i was little. kind of sounded like a hero. So i decided that it would be cool to be a doctor for the animals. so when i told my mom she had told me that an animal doctor is a veterinarian and since that day i had aspired to be a veterinarian. To me, it felt like it was fate for me to become a veterinarian.

 Those are just some of the reason that i want to become a veterinarian. It all started from way back when i was a kid and it never really went away, the dream that is. Being a kid i didnt know that i would eventually be able to pursue this dream. Just because you feel like you will be a kid for ever, and then one day you jsut have to grow up and you will have to pick something you are passionate about and just pursue it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Alfredo Arriaga:  His blog looks to be fairly upto date. I do like the content. It talks about his passion about math and he goes into detail about it. I liked that a lot. I also think that his music player is really cool. rate:8/10

Carlos Serrano: Carlos seems to be caught up for the most part. His launch is exceptionally well. I feel that i really understand his reasons for his passion for boxing. rate:7/10

Mathew Berumen: His blog is very informative about his passion. His blog is a little bland but still  is missing a little bit of content. rate:7/10

Chance Miranda: His blog describes his love for baseball. lacks a little on content and is a little bland. rate:7/10

Dustin McDonald: he doesnt have any content what so ever. rate:0/10

Friday, February 14, 2014


decay: decomposing of matter with the help of fungus and bacteria; matter is completely oxidized.
the trash outside started to decay.

docile: indicates that an animal has a gentle nature.
the dog was pretty docile while around people.

dock: to cut an animals tail short; also used to indicate the space where the was.
the little cat had to get its tail docked.

doe: a female goat, rabbit, or deer that not been spayed.
the doe frollicked through the field.

dominance: an animals tendency to overpower another, in character or in activity.
the cat showed dominance to the other cats.

dehorn: to remove the horns or horn buds through heat, chemical, or other methods.
the calf got de horned because he doesnt need them for breeding.

donation: the act of creating or producing sound in something.
you can hear the donation in the well over there.

dorsal: refers to something being toward the back, as in a dorsal fin.
the giant whale hit the boat with its dorsal fin.

delivery: when the fetus leave the body.
the pregnant animal delivered a bunch of pups.

dosage: the amount of medication to be administered.
they said to gime him 50 ML of medicine for the dosage.

density: a) mass per volume. b) the number of animals in a given area.
the density of cows at that farm was amamzing.

droppings: feces of an animal.
the animals droppings proved that it was caulicking.

dewclaw: the first digit on dogs and cats: has no function.
the animal is always biting on its dewclaw.

dewlap: the pendulum of skin hanging from an animals throat.
the birds dewlap was really colorful.

ducts: a passage in the body with walls.
the nutrients go through ducts to supply the rest of the body.

dilate: to make something wider.
the hole in his arm had to be dilated to get the bullet out.

dilation: the widening of something.
when you gain weight the dilation of the body happens.

dust: a tupe of fungicide or insecticide that is applied dry, as in regular dust.
the dust is everywhere.

dwarf: an animal who has not grown to its full potential, due to disease, deficiency, or otherwise.
the cat became a dwarf due to some type of disease.

dilute: to make something weaker or more liquid by mixing it with something else.
they had to dilute the acid because it was too strong.

Resource: 2
this website is about what a veterinarain nutritionist is. nutritionist is someone who give advice on what you should eat so that you can live a healthy life style.
it is a website to help with the behavior of animals. this can become quite useful for training your animals.
a site to help with your more exotic animals. this can help me to prepare to become a vet.
a site to help you find a vet that is particularly good in one field.
a website to help not get diseases from animals that may be invected with something.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


  • I believe that something i will have to discipline will be always studying and researching to learn new medical discoveries in my field of study. medical anything will constantly be changing so i will have to be caught up on all that. 
  •  I will also have to discipline social skills and not letting people get under my skin. so i will probably have to work on holding my tongue.
  • and something i will have to work on will probably be being able to punture a living thing and not feel squimish about it. i cant hook a worm let alone use a needle on a living thing. hopefully i will be able to do that. 
  • I am also gonna have to work on working late nights cause i may have to go back to work if there is an emergency.
  • also working without much sleep. i will have to be alert the whole time, even when i didnt get too much sleep.


I want nothing more than to become a veterinarian. I have always been passionate about animals and i would like to help them anyways that i can. I also find it interesting to go into that type of medical field. I will be extremely happy if this pursuit becomes reality and i am going to do my best to accomplish that goal.

I can use all the resource finding skill that i have learned over the fall semester of highschool. and all the orginizational skill that i learned. like the blog that everyone has done. we have to be able to organize our thoughts which can help us later on. also bringing technology into our studies has helped us use computers for something other than social media. instead using it as an information highway to help us further our pursuit in our future career.

I believe that if i try to do my best and participate as much as possible then i will not have any regrets about all the work we do in the class this semester. I can probably start by doing all of the work that is assigned to us this semester and just keep it up in general.

I believe just putting out all my thoughts and feelings will be enough to impress people and it willl also help them to understand how i think. It would be really great if people truly liked everything that i wrote and got an understanding of what i feel. and hopefully will help them in their personal lives.

If i can take the steps one at a time and try my hardest i believe i will be able to push past a what if and make it a reality. When this happens i hopefully will have accomplished my goal of being a veterinarian and will go off into my career.

hopefully my peers will be my friends and people that support me. and the public will hopefully be people that support my ideas about my future college goals. and my experts would hopefully be some veterniarians that have already accomplished their dream and will be able to carry on some knowledge so that i can know what to expect.


abhorrent: inspiring disgust and loathing.
he had a very abhorrent reaction to the way she ate.

triage: assign degrees of urgency to wound or ill patient
The doctor had to make a triage on the boy bleeding out or the patient who feels a little sick.

pertinent: relevent or applicable to a perticular matter.
she asked a very pertinent question.

euthanasia: the painless killing of a patient with bad illness.
the doctor asked the patients family if they wanted to go with euthanasia for the patient.

lacerations: a deep cut or tear.
the boy had a laceration on his back.

abort: to end pregnancy early.
they wanted to abort the pups because they werent going to turn out right.

antibody: a protein in the body designed to fight disease.
he had very strong antibody's.

andtidote: any substance used to combat the effects of certain poison.
the boy got the antidote in time.

acid: any substance or solution with a total ph of less than 7
he touched the acid and had to go to the hospital.

acidity: the density of hydrogen ions in a given solution.
the chemicals he put together made a high acidity level.

brace: an instrument designed to provide some type of support.
he had to wear a brace for three months after the accident.

balk: a term used to indicate what happens when an animal stops movement suddenly.
fi-fi just balked out of nowhere.

branch: a stem that comes out from a larger stem.
the branch was really strong to hold a tire like that.

barren: refers to an animal not being able  to reproduce.
she was barren after the sugery.

breathy: a term used to describe any animal that pass through a fence.
the little dog was breathy.

dam: any female animal that has given birth.
the dam will usually clean her pups after birhth

data: a collection of information that has been collected as pertaining to an experiment.
the data from your test results are back.

dapple: a curcullar pattern of fur with an off color.
the caliko cat has a few dapples on it.

distal: the furthest distance from the middle or the top of a body.
the poison has finally hit the distal and there is no returning for the patient.

dissect: to cut something out in order to examine it.
we had to dissect frogs today.

a website made and updated by veterinarians. Should be helpful for my career.
a blog to tell you about how bad vets are. helpful to see how people see vets.
its about how a man deals with people as a vet. helpful to see how a professional handles his patients owners.
a site to help people. created by vets.
a website to help vets create a website so they dont have to worry too much on it.
a site to help people care for their animals and help make healthy choices for them.
a site to help fellow veterinarians.
a site made to help rescue and give animals to good homes.
a site intended for the use of animal professions. it is for information on certain animals.
designed to help you with lost, looking, for pets. also to help get rid of animals that may be harmful to you.
a site designed to help you train your pets. make some good habits.
a site to help you recruit people for your business and to also learn some other skills as a veterinarian.