Monday, February 24, 2014


eclosion: the act of hatching out an egg.
the eclosion the zoo keepers was top-notch.

enteric: the intestines.
he had problems with his enteric.

entrails: the organs of an animals body, usually the intestines.
the entrails were pulled out.

edema: the collection of fluid in the tissue.
he had to get his edema checked to see if it will go away by itself.

egg: the body of reproduction that is produced by the ovum.
the egg got fertilized.

elastin: a type of protein that is found in cartilage and other types of tissue.
the elastin was a little high.

erosion: loss of epithelium to the basement membrane.
the erosion was happening to quickly.

gait: the term used to describe the movement of an animal.
the gait was a really quick movement.

gallop: a fast gait of three beats, faster than a trot.
the animal galloped away.

glaucoma: a disorder that has resulted from intraocular pressure.
he got glaucoma just like his father.

ganer: the term for a male goose.
the ganer made a lot of noise.

gastric: anything having to do with the stomach.
he has been having gastric problems.

gore: to pierce the body of a living thin with horns.
the animal gore the other animal.

graft: a part of tissue or organ that is used for transplant.
they had to graft some tissue for the animal.

gee: a command for a horse that tells them to turn right.
hey yelled gee to the horse so that it would turn right.

hob: a ferret that is intact(male)
the hob runs fast.

hallucination: a false image or perception of something that is not there.
he started having hallucinations.

homeostasis: the maintenance of a constistent environment in the body.
the animals homeostasis kept it alive in the cold.

heart: the body organ that curculates blood.
the heart was healthy.

heifer: the term for a young female cow with no young.
the heifer was running across the field.

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