During highschool you kind of have more margin for error where as after high school, not so much. after high school you will hopefully be doing something with your life and when it comes down to something improtant to you, i would hope that you wouldnt mess around. i would hope that you are focussing on doing something good for your future. like going into a career or college so that you can go into a really good career. In highschool you feel like you can slack a bit but that isnt the case for college and all that. They are kind of similar. though. you will be forming friendships and all that. and hopefully carying on your education.
There is quite a bit of difference between the two though. I would say more difference than similarities. A major difference would be change of scenery. depending where you go and where you live. a major similarity would be that friends will still be your friends as long as you keep in touch.
I think depending on the person they will either stay the same as they are during highschool as out of highschool but they can also change but it wouldn't necesarily be a bad thing. Like if they become more responsible when they get out of highschool. Thats a pretty good positive change.
Me personally i would try to change after highschool but for the better. like changing work habits and study habits and hopefully become very hapy in a new and exciting life of college. To me it sounds really great and fun and will be a nice expirence but to others it might not. I want to go out and try lifes challenges by myself for a while and see how it is and if i can make it.
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