Monday, January 13, 2014

THE CHOICE (Questions)

The source: The choice

1. The choice that the article i read reffered too was giving their daughter a medicine that can stop cancer cells from progressing but this also may affect healthy cells that help her grow. she is 5 years old so it is a kind of critical time for a child to develope.

2. To me, this is a really big coice. either you let her die slowly from cancer or you let her take it and she becomes better but there can be risk later on.

3. I feel the author uses the word "poison" because , well it IS Poison everytime he gives his daughter this medicine and it slowly kills her. just like the cancer.

4. I feel she should do what she wants while she can. she may not make it because of the cancer or she may develop some problems later on in life because of the medicine.

5. If i wasnt going to make it past 30. i would want to spend as much time with my family as i could. all the way upto the end.

6. If a family member isnt going to make it for very long i can see a lot of people accepting the discomfort for their loved one. I know i would do anything for my loved ones.

7. suffering isnt a necessary thing in life. but it isnt not needed. some people need a little bit of suffering so that they know what it is like. and suffering can change you quite a bit. for good or for worse. one can only hope it is for good.

8. He describes parts that hurt him in a way that everyone can understand. and we all imagine if that was our child, could we all make the same choices. would we hate ourselves. or would we just not do anything. its a very sad thing to think about.

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